
The shopping center commented on the” detention " of a guy with heart defects and oligophrenia in Odessa

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The Odessa regional shopping center and joint venture responded to videos that report the "detention" of a guy with  alleged heart defects and oligophrenia in Odessa by representatives of the shopping center, statingthat the guy passed the Military Medical Commission and was determined fit for service, reports UNN.

Recently, videos have been actively distributed on the internet, which tell about the incident that occurred on May 30. According to the author, the servicemen of the Kiev RTCC and the joint venture of the city of Odessa detained a guy with heart defects and oligophrenia and took him to the assembly point. There he passed the Military Medical Commission in just half an hour and was declared fit for military service in the Armed Forces of Ukraine

- reported in the shopping center.

In response to these reports, the TCC noted the following:

"Military Medical Commission: citizens with a diagnosis of "mild oligophrenia" can really be recognized as fit for military service in the rear support units. This is confirmed by the current regulatory acts, in particular, Order of the Ministry of defense No. 262 of 27.04.2024.

The shopping center noted that in this case it is important to take into account that no medical documents confirming the diagnosis of the guy were provided either to representatives of the Kiev RTCC and the joint venture of the city of Odessa, or to members of the Military Medical Commission.

Commission procedure: the guy passed the Military Medical Commission in accordance with the established procedure and was determined to be fit for service. All procedures were carried out in accordance with the legislation regulating the procedure for passing medical examinations during mobilization

- claim in the shopping center.

In addition, the shopping center reminded that martial law is in effect in Ukraine, which imposes certain restrictions and obligations on citizens.

In particular, everyone must always have with them military registration documents certifying the presence of diseases or other reasons that may be grounds for exemption from mobilization. The absence of such documents can lead to misunderstandings and unforeseen situations.Consequently, in this particular case, the actions of the military personnel were within the legal framework, and the procedure for conducting a medical examination itself met the established requirements

- the message says.

ТЦК затримав 23-річного водія вантажівки, який віз чутливі до умов зберігання ліки: в Закарпатському ТЦК відреагували31.05.24, 09:49


Telegram channels distributed a video that says that the shopping center of the Kiev district in Odessa took an allegedly sick guy with oligophrenia with obvious visual symptoms.

The author claims that the commission found it suitable within 30 minutes.


Oligophrenia is a form of mental and mental underdevelopment that occurs as a result of damage to the central nervous system (primarily the cerebral cortex) during prenatal (intrauterine), Natal (during childbirth) or postnatal (at the earliest stage of life development) periods.


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