
The President emphasized that the russians themselves will be the first to know about the authorization for strikes on russian territory

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An official announcement on the permission to strike at russian territory with Western weapons will be made after the first strikes. No final decision on this has been made. This was stated by the spokesperson for the President of Ukraine, Serhiy Nikiforov, during the telethon, writes UNN.

The russians themselves will be the first to know about the permission to strike deep into russian territory. They will be the first to know, and only then will an official announcement be made

- He said.

The spokesperson emphasized that there is currently no unequivocal authorization for the use of Western weapons against targets in russia. However, the President of Ukraine has already held talks with key partners, including Italy, France, the United Kingdom and the United States.

There is this enormous pressure on our partners from Ukraine at various levels. With arguments, with all the tasks, with all the calculations of what exactly will allow us to achieve this permission to strike deep into russian territory with long-range weapons in practice

- Nikiforov said.


The Biden administration is analyzing Zelenskiy's plan for Ukraine's victory. U.S. Secretary of State Anthony Blinken said that the U.S. is ready to consider additional actions to help Ukraine succeed.

White House spokeswoman Karin Jean-Pierre saidthat we should not expect new decisions on long-range strikes on russian territory after the meeting between Biden and Zelensky. Instead, it is possible that the leaders will discuss military assistance.

Блінкен підтвердив виділення 5,55 млрд доларів на зброю для України у найближчі тижні і місяці27.09.24, 09:23


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