
The National Security Committee named the challenges Ukraine will face in 2024

 • 31429 переглядiв

Ukraine will face challenges from political developments in the United States and Poland, as well as Russia's goal of fully occupying Luhansk and Donetsk regions in 2024.

Among the challenges that Ukraine will face this year are, in particular, political events in the United States, Poland and Russia's desire to fully occupy Luhansk and Donetsk regions. This was stated by a member of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on National Security, Defense and Intelligence, MP Fedir Venislavskyi during the roundtable "Two Years of Russia's Full-Scale Aggression. War for Ukraine is a war for Europe", a correspondent of UNN reports.


Venislavsky noted that Russia has not abandoned its strategic goals in Ukraine - to change the government, make it loyal to Russia and fully occupy Luhansk and Donetsk regions.

According to him , the Russians are demonstrating that the full occupation of Luhansk and Donetsk regions is vital for them, especially before the presidential elections.

Therefore, this will be a very significant challenge for Ukraine in 2024. So will political developments in the United States. We are already experiencing the fact that the aid package has not been approved, and Ukraine is not receiving the types of weapons and ammunition that are very much needed on the front line, on the battlefield. The events in Poland, I think, are also puzzles of the same general mosaic that Russia is preparing and implementing. We are aware of this, we understand it... Therefore, in 2024, Ukraine will face significant challenges, but I think we are ready for them, and we will level them with joint efforts

- Venislavsky said.

However, he noted that we should not expect any significant problems.

"Because if you are informed, you are armed. We will do everything together with our security sector, defense, and special services to ensure that the plans that Russia has are not implemented," Venislavsky said.


Venislavsky stated that Russia still has enough resources to continue the war against Ukraine. In classified reports of intelligence officials to the national security committee, they confirm that Russia is ready to fight in 2025, possibly in 2026, Venislavsky noted .


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