
The Ministry of Energy called the reason for the increase in the electricity tariff

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The tariff for the population of UAH 4.32 per kWh covers only the cost of electricity production and transmission to domestic consumers. However, thanks to the timely increase in the tariff, as well as the help of international partners, energy companies have the opportunity to prepare the system for winter as much as possible.

Additional funds that power engineers will receive by raising the electricity tariff for the population to UAH 4.32 per kWh will be used for the repair campaign and restoration of State Generation. This was stated by Deputy Minister of energy of Ukraine Svitlana Hrynchuk, reports UNN with reference to the Ministry of energy.

The tariff for the population allows us to continue the largest repair company in the energy sector since independence in order to prepare the energy system for winter as much as possible, add additional capacity to it, and to a certain extent restore state generation. The tariff increase is a forced step, the only reason for which is significant losses in the energy system after enemy attacks

Grinchuk noted.

Уряд підвищив тариф на електроенергію для населення - Міненерго 31.05.24, 17:13

She recalled that due to large-scale attacks on the energy infrastructure after March 22, 2024, Ukraine lost about 9 GW of capacity. In particular, thermal power plants of the state-owned company Centrenergo and hydroelectric power plants of Ukrhydroenergo were severely affected.

Hrynchuk also added that the tariff for the population of UAH 4.32 per kWh covers only the cost of electricity production and transmission to domestic consumers.

The current tariff covers the production cost of 1 kWh by two state – owned energy companies-Energoatom and Ukrhydroenergo, as well as electricity transmission and distribution. The tariff consists exclusively of the cost of expenses, without a single penny of any surcharge. The market value of one kilowatt-hour is more than 7.5 UAH

Grinchuk said.

Завтра відключення світла можливі протягом усієї доби - "Укренерго"03.06.24, 18:44

The deputy minister also noted that the summer will be a difficult period, because a significant amount of generation is damaged or completely destroyed, and it takes time to recover. However, thanks to the timely increase in the tariff, as well as the help of international partners, energy companies have the opportunity to prepare the system for winter as much as possible.

The repair campaign continues 24/7, and power engineers work around the clock. This gives us hope that the situation will change for the better in autumn and winter

Grinchuk noted.


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