
"The main thing is that everything should be fair." Danilov comments on new draft law on mobilization

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The NSDC Secretary emphasized that the new draft law on mobilization in Ukraine should ensure fairness for all citizens, and that everyone has a duty to contribute to the defense of the state.

The Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine Oleksiy Danilov said that the priority in the new draft law on mobilization should be justice for all Ukrainians. Danilov said this in a commentary to Ukrainian Radio, reports UNN.


According to the NSDC Secretary, everyone should be involved and work for Ukraine's victory.

The main thing is that everything should be fair. The word "justice" is used by our president in relation to this draft law (on mobilization - ed.) as a key guideline in this matter. Everything must be fair

- Danilov emphasized.

At the same time, he said that the defense of the state is the duty of all citizens of our country, which is spelled out in the Constitution.

I want everyone to understand that the war is not only on the front line, the war is going on throughout our country

- emphasized the Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine.

Кабмін вніс до Верховної Ради мобілізаційний законопроєкт: детальний розбір31.01.24, 08:15


At the same time, Danilov did not comment on the provision on judicial sanctions against tax evaders. According to him, there is currently no law, only a draft, so it is too early to discuss certain norms. 

Today, it is a draft law that members of the Verkhovna Rada can adopt in one version or another. It is already the right of MPs to vote for this provision or to change or edit it in some way. When there is a law, then we will be able to finally consider this issue (of sanctions against tax evaders - ed.)

- said the NSDC Secretary.

He also said that the draft law itself had been discussed at a meeting of the Stavka on several occasions. In addition, various consultations were held, including with the military.

Consultations were held with all participants in the process, including the military. The previous version was repeatedly discussed at the meeting of the Chiefs of Staff, but the final version was finalized by the Cabinet of Ministers and the Ministry of Defense, respectively

- Oleksiy Danilov said. 

Більш справедливо підходить до всіх верств населення: в ОП відреагували на новий текст закону про мобілізацію31.01.24, 21:20


The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has resubmitted to the Parliament a draft law on amendments regarding military service, mobilization and military registration.


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