
The hottest situation remains in the Pokrovsky direction - General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

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The situation at the front remains tense, but controlled. To date, 85 military clashes have taken place today. The Ukrainian military continues to resolutely repel the attempts of the Russian occupiers to advance into the depths of our territory, inflicting effective fire damage on them, exhausting them along the entire line of combat contact. This was announced by the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, reports UNN.


Since the beginning of the current day, the Defense Forces have hit 14 areas of concentration of enemy personnel, one control point, an ammunition depot and an electronic warfare station.

During the day, the Russian invaders launched six missile strikes on the territory of Ukraine and 39 air strikes with the use of 52 Kabs, using 461 kamikaze drones. The enemy also carried out more than 2,450 attacks on the positions of our troops and settlements with  the use of artillery, mortars, small arms and weapons of combat vehicles.

In the Kharkiv direction, there were two unsuccessful enemy attacks in the area of Volchansk. The Defense Forces continue to carry out  measures to strengthen defensive positions and borders.

The aggressor's previous losses in this direction today amounted to 101 occupiers killed and wounded. Five artillery systems, 41 UAVs, seven vehicles and a UAV launcher were destroyed. In addition, 31 dugouts and ammunition storage areas were affected.

Since the beginning of the day, eight military clashes have taken place in the Kupyansky Direction. The Defense Forces successfully repelled seven enemy attacks in the areas of the settlements of Sinkovka, Peschanoe, Druzholyovka and Grekovka. The battle continues in the area of Andreevka. The situation is under control.

In the Limansky direction, the number of collisions increased to nine. The Russian occupiers tried to advance in the areas of Ternov,  Novosadovo, Torsky and Serebryansky forests. All attacks were repelled by Ukrainian defenders. No losses of positions were allowed.

During the day, in the Seversky direction, the enemy carried out two unsuccessful assault operations in the area of Belogorovka. The situation is under the control of the Ukrainian Defense Forces.

In the Kramatorsk direction, the aggressor tried seven times to attack Ukrainian defenders in the areas of Kalinovka, Ivanovo, Klishcheyevka, and Andreevka. All attempts were repulsed.

The hottest situation remains in the Pokrovsky Direction.  The Enemy does not give up trying  to find weak points in our defense, and tries to break into the battle formations of Ukrainian units by continuous assault actions. Fighting continues in the areas of Novoaleksandrovka, Yevgenyevka and Sokol. The Defense Forces are taking measures to stabilize the situation and prevent the enemy from advancing. 

Previously, the aggressor's losses in this direction amounted to almost 200 invaders killed and wounded. Three armored combat vehicles, three vehicles and a unit of special equipment were destroyed.

On Kurakhovskayain the direction of this time of day, the number of military clashes increased to 16. the invaders are trying to advance near the settlements of Nevelskoye, Karlovka, Krasnogorovka, Georgievka and Praskoveyevka. 13 enemy attacks were successfully repelled by the Defense Forces. Fighting continues in the areas of Krasnogorovka and Praskoveyevka. The situation is tense. Measures are being taken to prevent the enemy from advancing.

In the Vremovsky direction, the enemy tried to start fighting near Urozhayny and Staromayorsky. The assault actions of the Russian occupiers failed. The Defense Forces are in control of the situation. 

In the Orekhovsky direction, the Russian aggressor attacked our units four times near the settlements of Kopani and Malaya Tokmachka. I had no success.

In other areas, the situation has not changed significantly.

В Чорному морі 1 ворожий корабель – Генштаб07.06.24, 06:48


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