
The government approved a draft law on the creation of a unified information system for the social sphere - Shmygal

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The Cabinet of Ministers approved the draft law on the creation of a unified information system for the social sphere, which will contain databases and information on recipients of all types of social assistance provided by the state, which will ensure more targeted support and efficient use of budget funds.

The Cabinet of Ministers approved a draft law on the creation of a unified information system for the social sphere, which will contain various databases and information about recipients of all types of social assistance provided by the state. This was stated by Prime Minister Denis Shmygal during a government meeting, reports UNN.

The draft law on the unified information system of the social sphere was approved. Let's define the legal basis for the operation of such a system, which is the basis for providing social support in our country. In addition, the government will create a unified Social Register that will contain various databases and information about recipients of all types of social assistance provided by the state.,

Shmygal said.


According to him, this will allow more targeted support for citizens who really need it, and increase the efficiency of using budget funds.


The representative of the government in the Verkhovna Rada Taras Melnychuk clarified that the draft law proposes to define the legal and organizational basis for the functioning of the system, in particular, through the interaction of information resources of the social sphere and their integration with other state information resources, including state registers.

The document provides for establishing the basis for the creation and functioning of the unified social register, which is one of the central subsystems of the unified system and includes various registers, databases and software and information complexes, the holders of which are the Ministry of Social Policy and other central executive authorities, in particular, the pension fund of Ukraine, which has been transferred the functions of assigning and providing benefits and housing subsidies, which are the most popular types of state support.

It is also proposed to determine that the purpose of the Social Register is to centrally store and record electronic data of recipients of all types of social support provided for by law, etc.


The Ministry of social policy agreed on cooperation with banking associations of Ukraine. This will make it possible to develop a centralized mechanism for paying certain types of social assistance.


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