
The French Parliament calls for the abolition of the ban on Ukraine's use of French weapons in Russia

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French MP Jean-Louis Bourlanger called on Paris to allow Ukraine to strike at the territory of Fosiya with French weapons.

On Friday, May 17, Jean-Louis Bourlanger, chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the French National Assembly , made a statement calling on Paris to lift the ban on Kyiv's strikes on Russian territory with French weapons. This was reported by Le Figaro, UNN.

Bourlanger called on France to change its doctrine, like Washington and London, and no longer prohibit Kyiv from striking Russia with Western weapons. According to him, Paris needs to "come out of its reserve and make a decision comparable to the British and American ones." 

Франція передасть Україні нову партію ракет класу "земля-повітря" типу Aster15.05.24, 17:50

According to Jean-Louis Bourlange, "this change in doctrine is absolutely legitimate, as it puts an end to the unacceptable asymmetry between the position of the aggressor and that of the victim of aggression." The entire territory of Ukraine is being attacked by Russian long-range weapons, as well as weapons supplied to Moscow by its allies, including North Korean ballistic missiles  and Iranian drones . Kyiv is also conducting deep strikes against Russia, but so far using domestic weapons. 

Bourlanger noted "that the right to self-defense excludes the right to inviolability of the aggressor's territory". He also stated that "the states that are friends of Ukraine are determined to remain non-belligerent". "Therefore, it is not about them intervening in the theater of war, but about 'removing an unjustified taboo.

Earlier, British Foreign Secretary David Cameron said during a visit to Kyiv that Ukraine has the right to strike at Russian territory with British weapons.


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