
The Chinese Defense Ministry responded to accusations of supporting the Russian defense industry: says they are "responsible" for exporting military products

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Chinese Defense Ministry spokesman Wu Qian said China was responsible for exporting military products, responding to the United States ' accusations of supporting the Russian defense industry, and stressed China's desire for a peaceful settlement of the conflict.

Chinese Defense Ministry spokesman Wu Qian said on Thursday that China has always taken a balanced and responsible approach to the export of military products, commenting on the statements of the United States and Great Britain about deepening relations between China and Russia and providing the Chinese side with support for the Russian defense industry, UNN writes.


"China has always treated the export of military products with a balanced and responsible attitude and strictly controls the export of dual-use goods," he said.

He noted that the United States "makes baseless accusations against the normal economic and trade exchange between China and Russia.

Wu also pointed out that"China has always been committed to promoting peace negotiations and political settlement.

In addition, the representative of the Chinese Defense Ministry noted that "China and Russia have signed a joint statement on deepening comprehensive strategic partnership and coordination in the new era, stating that they will continue to deepen military mutual trust and cooperation, expand the scope of joint exercises, regularly organize joint sea and air patrols, and strengthen coordination and cooperation within bilateral and multilateral mechanisms, as well as continuously improve the ability and level of both sides to jointly respond to risks and challenges.

Електроніка та боєприпаси: Столтенберг розповів, як Китай та КНДР допомагають росії у війні проти України 27.05.24, 14:20


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