
Stefanyshyna on EU membership: Ukraine must fulfill a number of other obligations, both practical and political

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Ukraine must meet a wide range of political and practical commitments to gain EU membership, including fundamental rights reforms and the introduction of more than 20,000 EU standards into its legal system, negotiations on which are due to begin on June 25.

Ukraine is faced with the need to fulfill a wide range of obligations that cover both political and practical areas in order to obtain membership in the European Union. This was stated on the air of "We Are Ukraine" by the minister for European and Euro-Atlantic integration of Ukraine Olga Stefanishina, reports UNN.

"The political bloc will begin and end with reforms in the field of fundamental rights," she stressed.

Стефанішина озвучила прогнозовані терміни вступу України в ЄС25.06.24, 20:32

These reforms are critical for Ukraine's compliance with the political criteria for EU membership. The minister stressed that Ukraine plans to present its political bloc by the end of this year, after which it will continue to implement certain tasks until a decision on membership is made.

As for the practical block, Stefanishina announced the following figure::

"A practical block of our obligations for each sector - let me remind you that Ukraine must implement more than 20,000 different EU standards in its legal system. The association agreement helped us a lot on this path," the ministry said.


On Tuesday, June 25, Luxembourg will host the first EU-Ukraine intergovernmental Ministerial Conference, which will mark the start of negotiations with the EU on membership


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