
"Sports is outside politics from putinist karyakin" - Saladukha

 • 108990 переглядiв

Chess player sergey karyakin visited occupied Avdiivka to support russian soldiers.

Chess player sergey karyakin came to the temporarily occupied Avdiivka to support the enemy army. This was reported by the Press Service of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, UNN reports.

Chess player "werewolf" sergey karjakin has once again shown the level of independence of russian sport. He came to the racist-occupied Avdiivka, where he supported the russian military and played chess with them

- said Olga Saladukha, chairwoman of the subcommittee on sports of higher achievements and sports activities.


Earlier, karyakin changed his citizenship from Ukrainian to russian.

In 2014, he expressed joy over the annexation of Crimea, and in 2022, he publicly expressed support for a full-scale invasion.

He was excluded from participation in FIDE for 6 months. His name was included in the lists of Ukrainian sports sanctions.


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