
Soldiers from the third assault team showed what is happening in the basements of Koksokhim in Avdiivka

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The military are hiding from constant enemy shelling in the basements of the Koksokhim plant in besieged Avdiivka, where the ceiling is collapsing due to regular shelling, and medics are stabilizing the wounded.

Soldiers of the Third Assault Brigade showed what is happening in the basements of the Koksokhim plant in Avdiivka , UNN reports.

Inside the plant, the military take cover from constant enemy shelling, and medics stabilize the wounded. Even when the ceiling is crumbling from regular CABs.

- the military noted


NSDC Secretary Oleksiy Danilov notedthat the situation in Avdiivka is very difficult, and their main task is to save the lives of Ukrainian soldiers, as the Russians have turned the settlement into almost ruins due to constant shelling.

Earlier, the press service of the 3rd Assault Brigade reportedathat at least 15 thousand enemy troops are fighting against the forces of the Third Separate Assault Brigade in Avdiivka. The situation in Avdiivka is extremely difficult.

The commander of the Tavria operational and strategic grouping of troops, Brigadier General Oleksandr Tarnavsky statedthat as of 13:00 there were no blocked Ukrainian units in  Avdiivka, Ukrainian units withdrew from their positions on the southern outskirts of Avdiivka with minor losses, and troops are also maneuvering to new positions in other threatened areas as needed.

The State Border Guard Service showed footage of the circular defense in Avdiivka.


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