
"Should support the creation of a sustainable F-16 capability": Canada allocates $60 million in military aid to Ukraine

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Canada allocates $60 million in military aid to Ukraine to support the development of sustainable F-16 fighter jet capabilities.

Canada's Minister of National Defense Bill Blair announced today the allocation of C$60 million ($44 million) in military aid to Ukraine to support the "creation of a sustainable capacity" for F-16 fighter jets in Ukraine, UNN reports citing a statement on the Canadian government's website.


"Today, the Honorable Bill Blair, Minister of National Defense, participated in the 19th meeting of the Ukraine Defense Contact Group (UDCG), chaired by United States Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III. (...) At today's meeting, Minister Blair announced that Canada will make a new $60 million contribution to the UDCG Air Force Capability Coalition. This donation will support the development of a sustainable F-16 fighter capability in Ukraine. In particular, these funds will help to purchase vital materials and equipment for the F-16, such as spare parts, combat modules, avionics and ammunition," the statement said.

This contribution, as noted, builds on Canada's previously announced support for the F-16 Coalition for Ukraine. "Last month, Minister Blair announced that Canada will contribute to the training by providing civilian instructors, aircraft and support staff... This support is valued at approximately $15 million and will run from February 2024 to 2025. Canada is also providing English language training for Ukrainian Air Force personnel at the Canadian Forces Language School," the statement said.

Canada's latest contribution is part of a new $500 million in military aid to Ukraine announced in Kyiv by Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in June 2023, the Canadian government said.

At the UDCG meeting last month, as indicated, Canada announced that it will participate in two UDCG capability coalitions, namely the Air Force Capability Coalition and the Armor Capability Coalition.

"Canada continues to work with allies and partners to ensure that Ukraine has the military support it needs to defend itself," the statement said.

As stated, today's UDCG meeting brought together representatives of more than 50 countries who reaffirmed their unwavering support for Ukraine and continued discussions on coordinating military assistance to Ukraine now and in the future.

"Рамштайн-19": голова Пентагону Остін відкрив засідання контактної групи з питань оборони України14.02.24, 16:08


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