
Scholz promises to "do everything" to rally European partners for "huge" support of Ukraine

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German Chancellor Olaf Scholz promises to rally European support for Ukraine on the eve of the EU summit

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz on Wednesday promised to do everything to unite European partners to form support for Ukraine "so huge" that Ukraine could rely on it, UNN reports citing The Guardian.

"We will do everything to make sure that Europe's joint contribution is so huge that Ukraine can rely on it and that Putin cannot count on our support weakening at some point," Scholz said, as quoted by AFP, ahead of an EU summit aimed at strengthening support for Ukraine.

According to tagesschau, before the extraordinary EU summit, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz called on European partners to increase military support for Ukraine. "This cannot depend on Germany alone," he said in the Bundestag.

Scholz reminded that Germany is the largest supporter of Ukraine after the United States and provides half of the aid from Europe. "And if we had to do most of it, it would not be enough for Ukraine. We want more countries to take an active part in supporting Ukraine," the chancellor said.

According to SZ, Scholz said that support for Ukraine is an important part of the federal budget. According to him, we will do our best to continue to contribute. "We have to support Ukraine in its struggle for freedom," he said, adding that it is "our duty" for the sake of peace and security in Europe.

"Питання життя і смерті": п'ять лідерів ЄС вимагають серйозного ставлення блоку до зусиль з озброєння України31.01.24, 11:25


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