
Scholz commented on the alleged leak of the conversation between Bundeswehr officers

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German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said that the alleged leak of a recording of an online conference of high-ranking German Air Force officers is being thoroughly and quickly investigated.

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz commented on the alleged leak of a recording of an online conference of high-ranking officers of the German Air Force (Luftwaffe), saying that this issue is now being clarified very carefully and quickly. This is reported by UNN with reference to DW.


This is a very serious matter. That's why this issue is now being clarified very carefully, very intensively and very quickly

- Scholz said on Saturday, March 2.

The dpa agency claims that a recording of an online conference of Luftwaffe officers published by a number of Russian media outlets is authentic, without naming its sources.

The journalists claim that the conversation did take place and was conducted on the Webex platform used for video telephony.

The German Ministry of Defense is already checking reports of a possible interception of the online conference.


The day before, the editor-in-chief of the Russian propaganda TV channel RT, Margarita Simonian, said that she had allegedly received a 40-minute audio recording of "high-ranking Bundeswehr officers" discussing possible strikes on the Crimean bridge using German long-range TA cruise missiles.

Simonyan published a transcript of the conversation and an audio recording of the conversation, which, according to her, took place on February 19.


Bloomberg reports that the UK is pushing Germany to send Ukraine Taurus missiles.


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