
SBU: Shop assistant spied for Russian Federation on Defense Forces units in Dnipro and Zaporizzhya regions

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A Russian informant who spied for the occupiers on the Defense Forces in Dnipropetrovs'k and Zaporizhzhia regions was detained by the SBU while taking pictures of Ukrainian armored vehicles.

Law enforcers detained a Russian informant who was spying on the units of the Defense Forces in Dnipropetrovs'k and Zaporizhzhia regions. The occupiers planned to use the intelligence to break through the Ukrainian defense. UNN reports this with reference to the press service of the SBU.

According to the SBU, a special operation in Dnipropetrovs'k region resulted in the detention of a Russian intelligence informant who was spying on two areas of Ukrainian troops' defense.

The first was in the south of Dnipropetrovs'k region, where the defendant reconnoitered the locations of the Armed Forces units.

Another area of focus was Zaporizhzhia. There, the enemy was interested in the routes of movement and deployment points of Ukrainian defenders on the outskirts of the regional center. According to available data, the occupiers planned to use intelligence to break through the Ukrainian defense.

Law enforcers detained a Russian informant red-handed when she was photographing the movement of Ukrainian armored vehicles.

The SBU also took comprehensive measures to secure the locations of the Armed Forces.

The investigation revealed that the suspect was a shop assistant in a village in the south of Dnipropetrovs'k region, which borders Zaporizhzhia district. The informant tried to establish close contacts with the Ukrainian military in order to "secretly" obtain the necessary information.

She passed the intelligence to the occupiers through her friend who lives in the temporarily occupied Crimea and has a brother who is a commander of a racist unit.

Addendum Addendum

SBU investigators have now served the detainee a notice of suspicion under Part 3 of Art. 114-2 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (unauthorized dissemination of information about the movement, movement or location of the Armed Forces of Ukraine if they can be identified on the ground).

The attacker is in custody. She faces up to 12 years in prison.

15 років тюрми отримав "кріт" російської розвідки, який мобілізувався до ЗСУ, щоб шпигувати на передовій13.06.24, 16:56


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