
Russians are dropping shrapnel ammunition aimed at civilians - Humeniuk on the situation in the south

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Russia is stepping up attacks on civilians in southern Ukraine, using drones and artillery. The situation remains tense.

The situation in southern Ukraine remains tense, with the occupiers using attack and FPV drones and other modifications of UAVs against the Defense Forces and civilians. This was stated by the head of the Joint Coordination Press Center of the Defense Forces of Southern Ukraine, Natalia Humeniuk, during a telethon on Tuesday, UNN reports.

The situation remains quite tense. The enemy does not stop its activity, looking for the means and opportunities that it can use most effectively, trying to put pressure through drone attacks, both nighttime with the use of "shaheds" and  throughout the combat day with the powerful use of fpv drones, drones of other modifications, which drop fragmentation munitions - and targeted at the civilian population

- Humeniuk said. 

She noted that the enemy is concentrating its artillery shelling, in particular, on Kherson.  The Russians are also trying to strike residential areas and critical infrastructure in order to complicate the lives of the residents of the right bank. 

The enemy also used guided aerial bombs again. According to Humeniuk, Bereslav district of Kherson region was again subjected to bombing. 

"Where almost all the houses in the settlements are destroyed or severely damaged, the enemy still continues to send bombs there. The use of drones to target civilians is primarily about putting pressure on people, pressure on the right bank," said Humeniuk.

Окупанти активізувалися на лівобережжі Дніпра, Сили оборони продовжують утримувати там свої позиції - Гуменюк30.01.24, 09:33


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