
Russians are building new fortifications at the entrances to occupied Yevpatoriya - ATESH

 • 13096 переглядiв

Russians are building new engineering fortifications at the entrances to occupied Yevpatoria. This was stated by the underground movement “ATESH”, reports UNN.


The guerrillas noted that the construction of the fortifications may be related to “terrorist defense” exercises in Crimea.

The occupiers are installing new engineering fortifications in Yevpatoria. (...) These measures demonstrate the intentions of the racists to further militarize the peninsula

- ATES said. 

Окупанти будують вежі для систем ППО вздовж Кримського мосту - ЦЖР22.09.24, 19:19

Sources of the underground movement  in the Russian security forces said that active military and counter-sabotage exercises on the peninsula are associated with repeated cases of disappearances of Russian military and police officers.

In addition, the occupiers are concerned about the growth of the guerrilla movement in the occupied Ukrainian territories.


In the summer, the ATES guerrillas claimed that Russians were increasing the number of defensive positions along the coast of the temporarily occupied Crimea,


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