
Russian army launches 6 missile and 38 air strikes in Ukraine overnight

 • 37218 переглядiв

The Russian aggressor is trying to use its superiority in manpower, equipment and air support. Despite the intense enemy onslaught, Ukrainian soldiers are giving the enemy a tough and effective rebuff.

During the day, Russian troops launched 6 missile and 36 air strikes on the territory of Ukraine. This was reported by the General Staff in an operational update as of 22:00 on Friday, UNN reports.


It is noted that during the day, the enemy launched six missile attacks on the territory of Ukraine using 17 missiles.

In addition, 38 airstrikes were recorded using 57 combat aircraft.

The enemy used 490 kamikaze drones.

At the same time, the enemy fired more than 3,000 times at the positions of Ukrainian troops and populated areas using various types of weapons.

Генштаб: на Покровському напрямку тривають 11 боїв 14.06.24, 16:30

Lilia Podolyak



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