
russia cannot be a peacemaker: the foreign ministry responds to the appeal of unrecognized transnistria to russia

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The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine calls for a peaceful settlement of the Transnistrian issue and opposes any destabilizing external interference, advocating the withdrawal of russian troops from Moldova.

Against the background of the latest appeal of the so-called deputies of the unrecognized Transnistria, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs calls for a peaceful resolution of the issue. This is stated in a statement by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, UNN reports.


It is noted that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine is closely monitoring the latest developments in the Transnistrian region of Moldova and calls for a peaceful resolution of economic, social and humanitarian issues between Chisinau and Tiraspol without any destructive external interference.

Ukraine stands for a peaceful settlement of the Transnistrian conflict with respect for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Republic of Moldova. We consider the "5+2" negotiation format to be non-functional due to the presence of the aggressor state russia, which cannot act as a peacemaker in any peaceful settlement

- the Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

The ministry also emphasized that Kyiv continues to advocate for the speedy withdrawal of russian troops from the territory of Moldova's Transnistrian region, the disposal of ammunition at the Kovbasna depots, and the reformatting of the mission on the Dniester from a military to a civilian one.

Зеленський обговорив з президенткою Молдови протидію російському впливу у невизнаному Придністров'ї28.02.24, 20:24

The Foreign Ministry emphasizes that Ukraine is making every effort to maintain stability and strengthen security in Europe, as well as to prevent any attempts by russia to destabilize Moldova or other countries in our region.

For ten years, Ukraine has been resisting russian aggression and for more than two years now has been resisting russia's full-scale invasion. Our country knows better than anyone else what the horrors of war are and what the price of peace is

- the Ministry of Foreign Affairs summarized. 


Today, on February 28, a congress of "deputies" and "advisors" was held in Transnistria  . The government of the unrecognized republic appealed to russia for help in connection with the economic blockade by Moldova.  Tomorrow, Putin is to address the Federal Assembly of russia on this issue.

Держдума розгляне прохання Придністров'я про допомогу в умовах економічної блокади Молдови28.02.24, 19:03


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