
Queues at the Polish border to leave Ukraine: border guards warned where the biggest ones are

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The flow of people and vehicles leaving Ukraine through the Ukrainian-Polish border has increased: about 25,000 people and more than 5,000 vehicles cross it daily, leading to an accumulation of vehicles at 4 checkpoints, while others have less traffic, the State Border Guard Service reported on Wednesday, UNN reported.


"Attention, the flow of people and vehicles on the Ukrainian-Polish border to leave Ukraine has increased. In recent days, the number of people and vehicles crossing the Ukrainian-Polish border daily is about 25 thousand people and more than 5 thousand vehicles. The accumulation of vehicles is observed in front of the Shehyni, Ustyluh, Krakivets and Rava-Ruska checkpoints," the State Border Guard Service reported on Telegram.

At the same time, as indicated, the lowest passenger traffic is currently observed at Smilnytsia, Hrushev and Uhryniv. "In order to reduce waiting time in queues, we recommend that citizens choose these checkpoints to cross the border," the SBGS emphasized.

Пасажиропотік на кордоні на вихідних зріс, більше виїжджають, ніж в'їжджають - прикордонники13.05.24, 14:20


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