
Pope Francis delivers speech on AI at G7 summit and opposes lethal autonomous weapons

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Pope Francis arrived at the G7 summit, shook hands with world leaders, including Biden and Modi, and gave a speech on AI.

Pope Francis arrived at the G7 summit and shook hands with world leaders, including US President Joe Biden, Argentine President Javier Milea, and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, before beginning his speech on artificial intelligence, UNN reports citing Bloomberg.


As the newspaper points out, when the Pope entered the conference room in a wheelchair, the leaders around the table erupted in applause. Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni was by his side as the pontiff was introduced to various G7 leaders for handshakes and hugs. "He and Biden, Catholic brothers, touched foreheads. There was also some joking and hand-waving with his fellow Argentine, Miley," the newspaper points out.

The Pope then mentioned Maloney and Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission, before launching into his speech on artificial intelligence, a topic close to his heart, the publication points out.

The Pope said that artificial intelligence is "exciting and terrifying" at the same time, which makes one think about this issue given the technological progress that has been made so far. "Artificial intelligence is first and foremost a tool," he said. - "The benefits or negative consequences will depend on how it is applied.

The Pope particularly spoke out against "lethal autonomous weapons" and called for their ban, calling for greater human control. "No machine should ever decide whether to take someone's life," the pontiff said.

He added that politics plays a key role in setting priorities for long-term decision-making and that it must create the right conditions for AI to help humanity.

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