
Pope Francis celebrates 87th birthday

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Pope Francis spent his 87th birthday with children and families at St. Martha's Hospital in the Vatican, sharing a cake with them and encouraging them to make Christmas preparations.

Pope Francis celebrated his 87th birthday birthday with children receiving care at the St. Martha's Vatican Pediatric Hospital, their families and volunteers. This is reported by Vatican News, reports UNN.

On Sunday, December 17, 2023, Pope Francis turned 87 years old. It has become customary for him to meet with young patients at the St. Mary's Pediatric Center he meets with the young patients of the St. Martha's Pediatric Martha's Pediatric Dispensary, which was founded by Pope Pius XI in 1922

the statement said.


About 200 families gathered in the hall. Volunteers and and representatives of the Vatican Sports Association organized a celebration for the children, which was joined by the Pope. The Pope also joined in.

Speaking to the audience, the pontiff called for preparation for the great holiday that is approaching - Christmas, during which "we remember the coming of Jesus".

Pope Francis shares a birthday cake with young patients of the patients of the St. Martha's Dispensary at the Vatican.

Папа Франциск закликає відмовитися від викопного палива на кліматичному саміті ООН03.12.23, 01:35

Lilia Podolyak



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