
Ombudsman: Russia considers Ukrainian children primarily as a resource for its army

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Russia views Ukrainian children as a resource for its future army and aggression, forcibly deporting and mobilizing them. The Ombudsperson emphasizes that such a policy has all the signs of genocide.

Russia views Ukrainian children primarily as a resource for its army. This was announced by the Verkhovna Rada Commissioner for Human Rights Dmytro Lubinets during the presentation of the Special Report "Overdusted. Systemic Russian policy of destroying the Ukrainian identity of children", the correspondent of UNNreports.

The second special report has clearly investigated the facts and, in our opinion, has all the signs that the Russian Federation considers Ukrainian children primarily as a resource for the Russian army. It is all these actions that we list, and the processes of forced passportization and mobilization, that have signs of genocide. In my opinion, it should be clearly stated that Ukrainian children are a resource for the Russian authorities for future aggression or continuation of aggression by the Russian Federation. It doesn't matter who they will fight against

- Lubinets said.

In addition, the Ombudsman noted that 40 countries have now joined the coalition to return illegally deported Ukrainian children.

As of now, 40 states are members of the international coalition (for the return of Ukrainian children - ed.). I hope that this number will keep growing

Lubinets said.

Наразі тільки білорусь: Лубінець про країни, які рф використовує для депортації українських дітей16.07.24, 14:23


As reported by President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, Ukraine may confirm the deportation of about 20 thousand children.


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