
No report from SBU head on Bihus wiretapping case in the near future - MP

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The Rada voted to summon the head of the SBU to discuss wiretapping of journalists, but will not hear him in the near future until the conciliation board decides on a date.

The Verkhovna Rada will not hear SBU head Vasyl Malyuk in the near future, after the parliament voted on his speech on the issue of wiretapping of Bihus journalists. The conciliation board will decide when the report will be presented, which means that it will be no earlier than in two weeks, MP Yaroslav Zheleznyak said on Telegram on Wednesday, UNN reports.


"There will be no hearing of the head of the SBU in the Rada... at least in the near future," Zheleznyak wrote.

He reminded me that yesterday the Rada supported my proposal to hear the head of the SBU on the issue of wiretapping of Bihus journalists, with 159 votes.

"And then nothing happened. Today I asked about the fate of yesterday's decision. They said they had sent an invitation, but the Conciliation Board will decide when the report will be presented.... Well, that is, not earlier than in 2 weeks (given the parliament's work schedule)," Zheleznyak explained.


The Narodna Pravda YouTube channel posted a video showing members of the Bihus.Info team allegedly using illegal substances.

The founder of the project, Denys Bihus, reacted to the video, saying that the cameramen were not journalists, but cameramen, and assured that such actions would result in tough personnel changes.

Subsequently, the SBU began to establish the circumstances of the illegal wiretapping and video recording and searched the complex where the Bihus.Info team members were being monitored, seizing hard drives and video recordings.

The other day, Bihus.Info journalists showed the faces of those who were following their employees in a country complex. The investigators are convinced that they were being followed by SBU officers who are supposed to be protecting our statehood, not looking for compromising information about independent media.

After that, the head of the SBU Department for the Protection of National Statehood, Roman Semenchenko, was fired 

ВР проголосувала за виклик Малюка через ситуацію з Bihus: його чекають у залі06.02.24, 14:22


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