
Nikki Haley promises to continue her presidential campaign even if she loses to Trump in her home state

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Nikki Haley has vowed to continue her presidential campaign, saying she has no intention of dropping out after the South Carolina primary, despite being more than 30 points behind Donald Trump in polls in her state.

Nikki Haley, who is running for the Republican presidential nomination in the United States, has vowed to continue her presidential campaign, saying that "we don't crown kings in this country" and that she does not intend to drop out of the race after the South Carolina primary scheduled for Saturday. This was reported by Reuters, according to UNN.


I am not afraid of Trump's retaliation

Haley said in a speech in Greenville, South Carolina.

South Carolina is Haley's home state. She is expected to lose to ex-President Donald Trump in the primaries here.

Trump has the advantage, according to opinion polls. His allies have stepped up pressure on Haley to force her out of the race after she lost the first four nominating contests by wide margins.

Trump threatened to exclude donors who continue to give her money from the MAGA (Make America Great Again) movement.

We do not crown kings in this country. We are holding elections. That's why I refuse to drop out (of the race). South Carolina will vote on Saturday. But I will still be running for president on Sunday. I'm not going anywhere

Haley said.

She had previously said that she believed she could defeat Trump in her home state, but polls consistently showed her lagging by more than 30 percentage points.

As a result, its donors have turned their attention to several states and territories that are voting in early March, some of which have a high proportion of college-educated suburbanites.

Ніккі Гейлі засумнівалася у розумових здібностях Трампа21.01.24, 03:01


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