
Massive russian attacks caused more than a billion dollars in losses to the energy sector - Ministry of Energy

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After massive russian attacks on Ukraine's energy infrastructure, the situation in the energy system is quite complicated, with losses exceeding $1 billion and growing, caused by damage to thermal, hydroelectric and power transmission facilities.

Recent massive russian shelling aimed at russian energy infrastructure has caused large-scale damage. Ukrainian Energy Minister Herman Galushchenko told this during a telethon, UNN reports .


According to him, after a wave of massive russian attacks on Ukrainian energy infrastructure facilities, the situation in the energy system is quite complicated.

Today, we are talking about losses of more than a billion dollars. But the attacks continue, and it is obvious that the losses will grow

- Galushchenko said. 

The Minister emphasized that the main damage as a result of the massive attacks was caused by thermal and hydroelectric generation facilities, as well as electricity transmission systems.

Важка ніч для української енергетики: у ДТЕК показали масштаби руйнувань після масованої атаки рф27.04.24, 19:44

In addition, daily attacks on various types of energy facilities by drones, ballistic missiles or artillery continue. 

The system is stable today, but the situation is quite complicated

- summarized the head of the Ministry of Energy. 

At the same time, Galushchenko emphasized that due to favorable weather conditions, the power system is balanced by renewable energy capacities.


Meanwhile, some regions, including Kharkiv, which is subject to daily enemy shelling, are experiencing power cuts. The region is working to stabilize the situation and prepare for the autumn and winter period.

The company also engages the help of international partners to carry out restoration and repair work and increase the capacity of shunting generation.


The Ministry of Energy discussed with the US Embassy preparations for the next heating season, including restoration of damaged facilities, increase of electricity generation capacity and stabilization of Ukraine's energy system after russian attacks.


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