
Lack of public transport drivers in occupied Donetsk due to mobilization - CNS

 • 50158 переглядiв

Due to the mobilization of most of the male population to the occupier's army and the lack of housing, there is a shortage of public transport drivers and vehicles in russian-occupied Donetsk.

In occupied Donetsk, there is a shortage of public transport drivers, as most of the male population was mobilized into the ranks of the occupier's army. The occupation administration handed over some of the "free" vehicles to the russian army, according to the National Resistance Center, UNN reports .


The public transportation network in russian-occupied Donetsk continues to shrink. For example, there is a significant shortage of drivers in the city, as most of the male population has been mobilized into the ranks of the occupying army. Also, a significant number of people left the city due to the lack of living conditions there

- the statement said.

It is also noted that the occupation administration handed over many "free" vehicles to the russian army because of the reluctance of people to come to the city from russia.


In the occupied territories of Kherson and Zaporizhzhia , payments of salaries to employees of public institutions are delayed.

Pavlo Bashynskyi



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