
Kuleba urged partners to follow Romania's example with Patriot

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Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba called on partners to follow the example of Romania, which handed over the Patriot system to Ukraine in order to defeat Russian terror together.

Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba called on partner countries to follow the example of Romania, which decided to transfer another Patriot air defense system to Ukraine.


"I sincerely appreciate Romania's important decision to transfer the Patriot air defense system to Ukraine. I also want to thank my colleague Luminica Odobescu for her personal contribution," Kuleba said in X.

The Foreign Minister stressed that this step will help protect Ukrainian skies, civilian and critical infrastructure from ongoing Russian attacks. "It will also strengthen the security of our entire region. Every time we shoot down a Russian missile flying west in Ukraine, we also eliminate a potential threat to our European neighbors," he said.

"Зміцнює безпеку не лише в Україні, а й у всьому регіоні та Європі": Зеленський висловив вдячність Румунії за ще один Patriot20.06.24, 15:42

I call on all our partners to follow Romania's example and provide additional Patriot air defense systems and other air defense systems, as well as constant supplies of interceptor missiles for them. Together we must defeat the Russian air terror

Kuleba emphasized.

Румунія передасть Україні систему ППО Patriot 20.06.24, 14:55


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