
Kim Jong-un has built a city for the "nuclear elite": you can leave it only with special permits

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North Korea has built a city for scientists and military personnel involved in its nuclear program, from which residents are not allowed to leave without special permission.

To accelerate the development of nuclear weapons, North Korean leader Kim Jong-un is investing hundreds of millions of dollars in his country's nuclear program. Among other investments, he has built a satellite city in the north of Pyongyang for scientists and military personnel involved in this program, UNN reports with reference to BILD.

"Comrade General Secretary has built a happy home for scientists. Scientists and engineers can fully enjoy the socialist civilization," is the message of North Korea's propaganda.

However, the so-called "nuclear elite" is forbidden to leave the new, heavily guarded city, which is equipped with sports fields, swimming pools, and cultural centers. To leave the city, each resident must obtain a special permit from the government.


South Korea's intelligence service suspectsthat North Korea may have supplied weapons, such as 122mm artillery shells since the 1970s, to Russia for use in the war in Ukraine.


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