
June 26: Crimean Tatar Flag Day, toothbrush birthday

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The Crimean Tatar flag is a blue flag with a yellow Tamga (seal) in the corner, near the shaft. The blue color symbolizes the sky and peace, and the Tamga is the historical emblem of the ruling dynasty of the Crimean Khanate.

Today, on June 26, the Crimean Tatar people celebrate Flag Day, and representatives of other nationalities living in Ukraine also join the festive events, UNN writes. 

Crimean Tatar Flag Day has been celebrated since 2010, although it is not an official event.

The flag is a blue flag with a yellow Tamga (seal) in the corner, near the shaft. The blue color symbolizes the sky and peace, and the Tamga is the historical emblem of the ruling dynasty of the Crimean Khanate.

The symbols of the Crimean Tatars were banned in the Soviet Union for a long time. But in 1991, the second Kurultai of the Crimean Tatar people was held in Simferopol, the capital of Crimea, which decided to revive the flag.

After the Russian occupation of Crimea in 2014, the flag acquired a new meaning as a symbol of resistance. The annual celebration on June 26 is now an act of disobedience and solidarity with the oppressed Crimean Tatar community in the occupied peninsula.

Today you can also join the celebration of the birthday of the toothbrush.

It was on June 26, 1780, that the Englishman William Edis organized the world's first mass production of toothbrushes.

Although the first mention of toothbrushes is found in the manuscripts of the Ancient East.

The tips of this hygiene product had the appearance of wooden sticks smeared with essential oil.  the sticks were pointed on one side and soaked on the other. After a while, the Chinese began to attach the bristles of a Siberian pig to a bamboo stick.

In Europe, toothbrushes began to gain popularity in the middle of the XVII century. since 1840, France and Germany began to produce dental cleaning products.

In 1959, the first electric toothbrush was introduced in Switzerland.

Cosmetologists celebrate their professional holiday today. The event was founded in the United States, but quickly became popular in many countries around the world.

For the first time, the word "cosmetology" began to be used in the 20s of the XX century, translated from Greek it means "the art of decorating". But information about cosmetology and cosmetologists is found in the ancient world.

To look attractive, Egyptian women of that time mixed sand with ash and crushed bricks for washing. To get a blush on the cheeks, Iris juice was rubbed into the skin, which, due to irritation, gave it the desired color.

In Ancient Rome, priests helped women hide skin imperfections. They made ointments from various plants, which were used for medicinal purposes.

In the XVI century, professional artists were invited to apply makeup. Therefore, in order not to erase the paint from the face, women washed as rarely as possible.

Even today you can celebrate the day of cold weather. The event is set in honor of the outstanding English scientist Calvin Thomson, who was born on June 26, 1824, who created a temperature scale in which the starting point is absolute zero.

According to the church calendar, today is the Memorial Day of St. David of Thessalonica.

From a young age, he decided to devote his life to serving the Lord. First he took monastic vows and entered a monastery, and then for many years he retired under an almond tree near Thessalonica.

For his devotion to the Lord, St. David received from him the gift of healing and miracles.

Name days on June 26 are celebrated by David, Denis, Pavel.


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June 26: Crimean Tatar Flag Day, toothbrush birthday

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