
It is not the first time that Allseeds spits on the rules of civilized business - they tried to take out someone else's oil to their terminal

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It is not the first time that Allseeds spits on the rules of civilized business - they tried to export someone else's oil to their terminal.

The attempt of the company "Allseeds Black Sea" to illegally use the road of the strategic enterprise" Odessa Portside plant "is not the first time that the Companies of the group "Allseeds" spit on the laws of civilized business and dishonestly behave towards other market participants, writes UNN.

Companies that have been engaged in the production and export of sunflower oil for years are concerned about their reputation and maintaining normal relations not only with their business partners, but also with other market participants. But, apparently, in this case we are clearly not talking about "Allseeds".

In 2020, Allseeds got into an unpleasant story with an attempt to export sunflower oil, which did not belong to it, from the UPSs terminal in the Mykolaiv region. This was preceded by three searches at the terminal, during which law enforcement officers found more than three thousand tons of sunflower oil. People in uniform claimedthat the oil allegedly belonged to The Snapper company and is under arrest by a court decision.

Although, the management of the terminal convinced that the oil worth more than two million dollars belongs to a completely different company.

Гучний скандал з фальсифікатом соняшникової олії – до чого тут група компаній "Олсідз"03.06.24, 09:22

But the most interesting thing in this story is that it was Allseeds trucks that came to take out the allegedly arrested oil. After that, UPS openly stated that this is an undisguised attempt of raiding with the participation of law enforcement officers, and its reason is banal that Allseeds does not have enough of its own products for transshipment.

In "Allseeds" justified that they simply take part in the execution of the court's decision, and sunflower oil must be transported to their terminal in accordance with the contract with an authorized company.

However, for some reason, market participants did not appreciate such "nobility" of Allseeds. Businessmen and representatives of most Ukrainian terminals almost unanimously stated that instead of showing corporate solidarity and not finishing off their colleagues, at least they took advantage of the situation for their own benefit.


In 2020, according to media reports, Allseeds Black Sea was included in the list of Ukrainian companies that carried out export operations through Swiss intermediaries and thus avoided paying income tax in Ukraine. In general, that year the budget of Ukraine did not receive доларів 1.2 billion from such operations, and companies that were engaged in such activities also received VAT refunds from Ukraine.

In 2019, the company "Allseeds Black Sea" appeared in criminal proceedings on minimizing taxes on the purchase of sunflower seeds. And in September last year BEB and the SBU came to her with searches.


Alcides Black Sea has received an illegal permit from the Ukrainian seaports administration to use berth No. 1 of Yuzhny port, although it is not intended for loading ships with vegetable oil.

Without signing any contracts, the company tried to direct its transport to the berth, by road, which is on the balance sheet of the Odessa Portside plant, and is intended for evacuation in case of emergencies.

The OPP management tried to resolve the situation in a civilized manner and on May 21 sent a draft agreement on the use of infrastructure to Allseeds Black Sea. However, instead of settling all the issues, the commercial structure sued the strategic enterprise.

Компанія "Олсідз", яка пішла війною на "ОПЗ", могла завдати величезних збитків державі30.05.24, 09:38


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