
Increase in excise taxes on fuel: Rada took the first step

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The Verkhovna Rada supported in the first reading a bill that provides for a gradual increase in the excise tax on fuel, bringing the rate to 359 euros per 1,000 liters for gasoline, 330 euros for diesel fuel and 70 euros for gas until 2028.

The Verkhovna Rada supported in the first reading a bill that provides for an increase in the excise tax on fuel. The document stipulates that the excise tax rate on gasoline will be 359 euros per 1000 liters, on diesel - 330 euros, and on gas - 70 euros. This is reported by UNN with reference to people's deputy Yaroslav Zheleznyak and the card of the draft law No. 11256-2.

The parliament still supported in the first reading alternative No. 11256-2 on raising the excise tax on fuel. As a basis, it is an alternative-227. there, too, the gas norm is spelled out differently (less excise duty) 

- Zheleznyak said.


The bill provides for a gradual increase in the excise tax on motor fuels. In particular, from July 1 to January 1, 2025, the excise tax rate on gasoline should be 242.6 euros per 1000 liters, on diesel 177.6 euros, and on gas - 55.6 euros.

In 2025, the excise tax on gasoline will be 271.7 euros, on diesel - 215.7 euros, on gas - 59.2 euros. In 2026, for gasoline - 300.8 euros, for diesel - 253.8 euros, for gas - 62.8 euros. In 2027, for gasoline - 329.9 euros, for diesel - 291.9 euros, and for gas - 66.4.

In 2028, it is assumed that the excise tax rate on gasoline will be 359 euros, on diesel - 330 euros, and on gas - 70 euros.

As noted Zheleznyak, Bill No. 11256-2 was supported after the rejection of two previous bills. In particular, the Parliament did not support in the first reading the government Bill No. 11256 on raising the excise tax on fuel. Only 212 deputies voted for it.

The government proposed to bring the size of excise tax rates on fuel to the minimum levels of such rates established in the EU, gradually, over 4 years.

Уряд схвалив поступове підвищення акцизів на пальне та деякі алкогольні напої до мінімальних рівнів ЄС - Мінфін22.03.24, 16:37

There were also not enough votes for another alternative Bill No. 11256-1. it was supported by only 218 deputies.


The Verkhovna Rada supported in the first reading the bill on raising the excise tax on tobacco products. The excise tax on cigarettes is pegged to the euro, not the hryvnia, and it is assumed that in 2025 the excise tax will increase by +23%, and then in 2026-2028 it will be +5%.


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