
In Zakarpattia region, a man shot at law enforcement officers during a document check: the attacker was detained on the spot

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In Zakarpattia, a 29-year-old man shot at a police officer during a document check after being stopped on suspicion of drunken driving and detained at the scene.

In Zakarpattia, a man shot at law enforcement officers during a document check and wounded one of them. The attacker was detained at the scene. This was stated by the National Police of Ukraine, reports UNN


According to law enforcement, the incident occurred around midnight on the night of May 16. 

On May 15, at 23:51, an inspector of the patrol police response sector reported an attack on their crew to the duty unit. The incident occurred in the village of Kolchino, Mukachevo district. Police stopped a Seat Ibiza for violating traffic rules 

- the National Police summarized. 

It is noted that the car was driven by a 29-year-old resident of Mukachevo, who had previously been repeatedly brought to administrative responsibility for driving while intoxicated. 

While talking to the driver, the police noticed obvious signs of alcohol intoxication. The offender did not respond to the lawful demands of law enforcement officers and locked himself in the vehicle.

Subsequently, the suspect fired several shots at police officers through the car window. As a result, he wounded one of the police inspectors. The suspect was detained immediately at the scene. He is currently in a temporary detention center

- law enforcement officials said. 

Investigators seized a package of cannabis and a traumatic weapon from the crime scene, which the suspect used to shoot at law enforcement officers. Police officers are establishing the origin of the weapon. 

Двоє чоловіків вночі розстріляли поліцейських на Вінниччині, введено поліцейську операцію 20.04.24, 10:03


According to the police, criminal proceedings were opened against the man on the fact of intentionally causing light or moderate bodily harm to a law enforcement officer in connection with the performance of his official duties in the police under Part 2 of Article 345 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. Now the man faces to 5 years in prison.

The National Police also believes that the life and health of the wounded policeman is not in danger, and that doctors have provided him with the necessary assistance.


In March , a manwas detained in Kyiv, who while intoxicated was shooting from the balcony of a high-rise building. A traumatic pistol, ammunition and spent shell casings were found in his home.


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