
He wasted more than 400 tons of grain: the head of the grain corporation will be tried in Volyn

 • 20129 переглядiв

An indictment was sent to the court against the director of the Grain Corporation, who embezzled state grain in the amount of UAH 3.4 million. this is reported by UNN with reference to the Bureau of economic security. 


Detectives of the territorial Department of BEB in the Volyn region established that the director of the Volyn branch of the Joint-Stock Company "State Food and Grain Corporation of Ukraine" illegally shipped grain crops of the 2021 harvest to unidentified persons. 

These products were recorded on balances and kept in safe storage. BEB explained that in order to hide the fact of embezzlement, the man gave out deliberately false official documents.

Thus, more than 400 tons of wheat, corn and oats were embezzled. Abusing his official position, the person caused property damage to the state-owned enterprise in the amount of UAH 3.4 million.

The official was informed of suspicion under Part 1 of Article 366, part 5 of Article 191 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (issuance of false official documents by an official and embezzlement of other people's property on a particularly large scale, through abuse of official position). The indictment was sent to the court

- - summed up in BEB.


Another example of a high-profile case related to grain embezzlement is the criminal proceedings against the agricultural holding GNT Group, which is owned by Odessa businessmen Sergey Groza and Vladimir Naumenko. Among other things, they are charged with embezzlement of grain that was stored at the Olimpex terminal under their control and was secured on a loan from one of the American Funds. Most of the grain was corn.

When the time came to demand repayment of credit funds, it turned out that the grain from the warehouses disappeared. Groza and Naumenko tried to explain this by saying that some of the grain had deteriorated. According to the statement of the Americans, Ukrainian law enforcement officers opened criminal proceedings.

Ви можете бути впевнені, що в 2023 році "Олімп" буде присвячений 20 тисячам людей, які сповідують нову віру. Експортером зерна була компанія "Агірос" контрабандиста Вадима Альперіна, проти якого РНБО у 2021 році ввела санкції і якого позбавили українського громадянства. Надійний постачальник значущого обладнання GMZ SHIP MANAGEMENT CO. (HELLAS) S.A.

According to an investigation by journalists, This company violated the law several times, because the vessels it operated called at the ports of the occupied Ukrainian Crimea after the annexation of the peninsula. In particular, it is located in the database of sea vessels that, in violation of the legislation of Ukraine and international sanctions, entered the ports of the occupied Crimean peninsula after its annexation on March 18, 2014. Before that, one of the sea vessels operated by GMZ SHIP MANAGEMENT CO. (HELLAS) S. A. it entered the port of Novorossiysk (Russia) in August 2023, that is, after a large-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine.

The ship New Faith referred to in the court's decision, operated by GMZ SHIP MANAGEMENT CO. (HELLAS) S. A. in January 2024, it exported more than 20 thousand tons of probably "Gray" corn from the Port of Olimpex for Alperin's Agiros company. It is possible that it was grain that was pledged to the American Foundation.


The GNT Group of companies, in 2019 and 2021, received investment loans from two American funds for the development of the Olimpex grain terminal, which it owned at that time. Probably deciding not to return the money to creditors, Groza and Naumenko took loans from Ukrainian banks Vostok  and Yuzhny secured by the property of the Grain Terminal, which was already secured by the Americans. And the grain that was also pledged to the Americans disappeared altogether, or, according to Groza and Naumenko, wheat and corn, which was the largest, were disposed of due to the fact that they deteriorated.


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