
In Mukachevo, locals beat a soldier from the TCC: police opened criminal proceedings

 • 29221 переглядiв

Officers of the Mukachevo District Police Department quickly identified the persons involved in the fight. It is known that the victim is a serviceman

In Mukachevo, law enforcement officers are investigating the beating of a man in military uniform by unknown persons. This was reported by the press service of the National Police Department of the Transcarpathian region, according to UNN.


It is noted that yesterday, while monitoring social networks , police officers found a video recording of a fight - unknown persons inflicted bodily harm on a man in military uniform.

The event took place on a street in Mukachevo.

Employees of the Mukachevo District Police Department quickly identified the persons captured on the video. It is known that the victim is a serviceman. The conflict had previously arisen at the domestic level and was not related to the man's official activities

- The police emphasize.

Police investigators classified the incident under Part 2 of Article 296 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, i.e. hooliganism. Currently, all necessary procedural actions are underway to establish the causes and circumstances of the crime. 

The agency assures that the perpetrators will be brought to justice in accordance with the law.


Yesterday evening, journalist Vitaliy Glagola posted a video of a fight in Mukachevo. The footage shows a group of unidentified people beating a man in a military uniform of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. 

According to Glagola, local Roma beat the TCC worker, but the journalist does not know the reason for the fight. 


Earlier in Kosmach, Ivano-Frankivsk region , local residents beat two women and a 6-year-old child because one of the women was allegedly a gunner at a military commissariat and would give information about local men to the TCC

На Дніпропетровщині жорстоко побили волонтера: поліція розпочала розслідування 05.02.24, 14:14


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