
In Kharkiv region, Russians took civilians from Vovchanska community captive: prosecutor's office opens proceedings

 • 16408 переглядiв

During the Russian offensive in the Kharkiv region, the occupiers captured a group of local residents. Some of them managed to escape to the territory controlled by Ukraine, but some remained in Russian captivity.

During the offensive, the Russian occupation forces in Kharkiv region took civilians from the Vovchansk community captive. Some of the people managed to escape to the territories controlled by Ukraine, while others remained in captivity. This was stated by the Kharkiv regional prosecutor's office, reports UNN.


According to the investigation, in the Vovchansk community, during the Russian army's offensive, the occupiers forcibly detained and continue to detain people in the basement. The locals were placed in the room on May 11, 2024

- law enforcement officers summarized. 

The prosecutor's office noted that some people managed to escape on May 13 and get to volunteers. They are currently safe.

Вивезли майже 6 тисяч цивільних: у ЦПД спростували російський фейк про блокування евакуації з Вовчанська13.05.24, 14:17

The victims said that while they were in the basement, they heard Russian servicemen talking about how civilians should be shot.  People were also forced to provide medical assistance to the occupiers.


Regional Prosecutor's Office spokesman Dmytro Chubenko said on the air of the regional prosecutor's office that people spent two days in the basement. According to him, criminal proceedings have been opened in Ukraine against the actions of the Russian occupiers. 

A criminal proceeding was opened under Article 438 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine because, according to these people, several families are still in the village and are being held in the basement with another group of Russian military. This is a violation of the laws and customs of war

- Chubenko summarized. 

According to him, during hostilities, occupation, offensive actions, the enemy has no right to restrict the local population in movement, evacuation, or somehow force them to work or provide medical care.


Volunteer Vyacheslav Ilchenko said that evacuation  from Vovchansk is extremely difficult due to the constant presence of enemy UAVs, the reluctance of residents to leave the danger zone and the proximity of some settlements to the contact line.

З півночі Харківщини евакуювали 5700 людей, сьогодні планується евакуювати ще 1600 людей - ОВА13.05.24, 12:24


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