
In Ivano-Frankivsk, a veteran defending a green zone was beaten. Police launched an investigation

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In Ivano-Frankivsk, a war veteran was beaten for defending a green area from development. Activist and war veteran Andrian Volgin stood up to defend a green area near a lake from development, and was allegedly beaten for doing so. The man was injured and taken to the regional clinical hospital. The police launched an investigation, UNN reports.

"Yesterday, the special line 102 received a report of a conflict between men in one of Ivano-Frankivsk's residential neighborhoods. A patrol police unit and an investigative team were immediately sent to the scene. Law enforcement officers found out that there had been a conflict between local community activists. Witnesses to the incident were interviewed.

It has been preliminarily established that the 39-year-old man hit his 36-year-old opponent, a fight broke out, as a result of which both men were injured. Subsequently, both activists went to a medical facility: both were diagnosed with bodily injuries.

Two criminal proceedings have been initiated under Part 1 of Article 125 (intentional light bodily harm) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine," the police said.


Today, a video has been posted online claiming that war veteran Andrian Volhin was beaten in Ivano-Frankivsk for defending a green area near a lake from development.

"Today, in the middle of the day in the center of Ivano-Frankivsk, activists blocking the construction of a rehabilitation center attacked a soldier with a knife. Thank God, the street was crowded and there were police officers nearby who quickly calmed the attacker down and stopped the conflict. We filed a crime report and managed to capture the incident on video. Now you know who is behind the blocking of the construction of the rehabilitation center, I will not be surprised that soon it will turn out that they are lobbying the interests of some dishonest developer under the guise of creating "veterans' parks" and other actions to prevent the construction of the rehabilitation center, while preserving the land near the lake for high-rise buildings," the rehabilitation center in Ivano-Frankivsk said in a statement.

As Volhin told ZAXID.NET, he saw a video online of a blogger from Berdiansk who was speaking negatively and threatening opponents of the development of the area near the lake in Ivano-Frankivsk, calling them "underdeveloped individuals." After that, he and activist Serhiy Yanchuk arranged a meeting with the blogger, which took place on Ivasyuk Street in Ivano-Frankivsk.

"I could not stand it and slapped him. He moved away from me, and then his brothers attacked me. The video shows him picking up a stone. I pulled out a knife, but did not use it, I threw it on the ground. A fight started. Someone knocked me out with a blow to the head, and I lost consciousness," Volgin said.


Law enforcers are investigating a criminal proceeding over the beating of a serviceman that occurred on August 14 in Pershotravensk, Dnipropetrovs'k region. A group of people attacked the man and inflicted bodily injuries, including a local deputy.


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