
House Democrats say they will block Speaker Johnson's resignation motion

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Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Green's attempt to oust House Speaker Mike Johnson will be blocked by Democratic leaders through a procedural motion before it comes to a vote.

Democratic leaders in the U.S. House of Representatives said they would block an attempt to dismiss Speaker Mike Johnson. This was reported by UNN with reference to the Voice of America.  


Democratic leaders propose to block the corresponding motion from Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Green at the stage of a procedural request.

With our work on the National Security Assistance Package now complete, it is time to turn the page on pro-Putin Republican obstruction. We will vote to block Republican Marjorie Taylor Green's motion to dismiss the Speaker. If she brings this motion to the floor, it will fail

- Democratic leaders emphasize. 

Congressman Pete Aguilar said that lawmakers are ready to block the motion to dismiss the speaker at the level of a procedural request, even before it is put to a substantive vote.

Спікер Джонсон погодився на допомогу Україні після даних розвідки – The New York Times22.04.24, 02:40

In response, the sponsor of the motion to dismiss the speaker, far-right Republican Marjorie Taylor Green , accused Johnson of being a speaker chosen by his opponents. She accused him of "colluding with Democrats" and said she would eventually bring his dismissal to a vote.


Meanwhile, Speaker Mike Johnson himself, commenting on the Democrats' statement, claims that this is the first time he has heard of such a plan, and he has not had any negotiations or agreements with the opposition to keep him in office

No, there are no agreements at all. I was fully focused on agreeing on additional aid (...) I was not focused on that at all. I was focused on getting the job done and passing legislation

- Johnson told reporters.


Republican Representative Marjorie Taylor Green called on House Speaker Mike Johnson to resign, accusing him of betraying Republican voters.


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