
Headed an illegal armed group during the seizure of Crimea: Russian State Duma deputy is served with a notice of suspicion

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A member of the Russian State Duma, who led an illegal armed group during the seizure of Crimea in 2014, was notified of suspicion of high treason and the creation of an illegal armed group.

A Russian State Duma deputy who led an illegal armed group during the seizure of Crimea has been served with a notice of suspicion of treason , the National Police reported on Monday, UNN reports.


"The defendant is a citizen of Ukraine who was born and lived in Crimea all his life. Under his leadership, in February 2014, members of the illegal armed group "Self-Defense of Crimea", threatening with weapons, dispersed patriotic participants of a rally for Ukraine and seized the Verkhovna Rada of the Autonomous Republic and raised the flag of the Russian Federation over its building," the police said.

In addition, according to the police, "militants seized the Simferopol airport and blocked the runways to prevent the prompt arrival of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on the peninsula." "The pro-Russian armed group held the airport until the invasion of Crimea by regular troops of the Russian Federation Armed Forces, and then, with their forceful support, seized one of the military units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine," the police said.

After the occupiers had completely seized the peninsula, the Russian authorities awarded the suspect a medal "For the Defense of Crimea," the police said.

"In 2016, the defendant became a member of the Russian State Duma and continues to support the occupiers' aggressive policy. In particular, he promotes in the media the need for universal mobilization in Crimea and supervises the construction of military enlistment offices to mobilize local residents for the war against Ukraine," the police said.

Investigators have now gathered enough evidence to serve him with a notice of suspicion of high treason (Article 111(1) of the Criminal Code) and for creating and leading an armed formation not provided for by law (Article 260(4) of the Criminal Code), which carries a life sentence.

Голосував за анексію Криму: ексдепутату держдуми рф Магомеду Гаджиєву повідомили про підозру02.01.24, 15:12


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