
General Staff: 93 clashes have already taken place on the frontline, with the most active Russians in the Pokrovsk sector

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On May 14, the Ukrainian Armed Forces reported 93 combat engagements on the frontline, with the most active activity in the Pokrovsk sector, where Russia conducted 30 attacks and 13 air strikes.

As of 17.00 on May 14, the number of combat engagements at the front over the day  increased to 93. The enemy continues offensive actions. The greatest activity is observed in the Pokrovsk sector. The defense forces are bravely holding back the enemy's onslaught and responding to the invaders' attempts to advance. This was reported by the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, according to UNN


In the Kharkiv sector, the occupants have already carried out 13 attacks. In particular, in the areas of Hlyboke - Liptsi, Shebekino (Russia) - Vovchansk, Borysivka - Neskuchne. The enemy also conducted 8 air strikes. Fighting is ongoing on the outskirts of Vovchansk.

In the Kupyansk sector, the enemy reportedly conducted an air strike in the area of Serhiivka. As of this time, a total of 9 combat engagements were registered. Three of them are ongoing. The invaders are suffering losses, the data is being clarified.

Ситуація у Вовчанську складна і критична, місто майже зруйноване - МВА14.05.24, 14:47

In the Liman sector, the occupiers tried twice unsuccessfully to improve the tactical situation in the areas of Ivanivka and Terny.

The enemy conducted 9 attacks in the Kramatorsk sector . He also carried out three air strikes in the areas of Ivanivske, Druzhba and Pivnichne. One firefight is still ongoing.

According to the General Staff, the enemy is not reducing the intensity of attacks in the Pokrovsk sector . Enemy combat aircraft are active - 13 air strikes were recorded today. In total, 30 occupants' attacks took place in the sector today. Most of them took place in the areas of Novooleksandrivka  and Netaylove.

In the Kurakhove sector , the Defense Forces successfully repelled 7 enemy attacks. The enemy tried to push our defenders in the areas of Heorhiivka, Novomykhailivka and Krasnohorivka.

In the Vremivsk sector, 6 unsuccessful enemy assaults near Staromayorsk were recorded. According to the General Staff, the invaders received a decent rebuff and retreated.

In other areas, the situation has not changed significantly. 

росіяни заздалегідь запустили ІПСО щодо "успішного наступу" на Харківщині - Центр стратегічних комунікацій14.05.24, 16:46

The General Staff emphasized that the occupants mostly operate in infantry groups of up to 1-2 motorized rifle units. 

"Our soldiers continue to confidently hold back the enemy and inflict maximum losses on them," the General Staff summarized.

Ще плюс 1400 окупантів і 11 танків: Генштаб оновив дані про втрати ворога14.05.24, 07:48


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