
FT: EU seeks to circumvent arms ban treaty to support Ukraine

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The European Union plans to circumvent the EU Treaty's ban on arms purchases from its budget in order to increase military aid to Ukraine.

The European Union has decided to bypass the EU Treaty's clause banning the purchase of weapons from the organization's budget in order to increase military aid to Ukraine. This is reported by the Financial Times, according to UNN.


The newspaper recalled that in 2022, EU member states agreed to finance the supply of weapons to Kyiv through a multilateral fund that was created outside the EU budget, bypassing the article of the treaty governing the association.

Currently, Brussels is actively trying to find a way around the EU Treaty clause that prohibits the purchase of weapons from the bloc's budget, as it plans to increase funding for the Armed Forces, the publication says.

According to the source, the European Commission suggested that the lawyers review this clause of the agreement.

It would be a breakthrough. It would change a lot of things

said one of the interlocutors.

Зеленський закликав лідерів ЄС надати більше систем ППО та боєприпасів Україні22.03.24, 03:45


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