
European Commission may submit a proposal in two weeks after initiative to use profits from Russian assets for military equipment for Ukraine - media

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The European Commission may propose within two weeks to use the profits from frozen Russian assets for the joint purchase of military equipment for Ukraine, media reports say.

The European Commission may submit a formal proposal within two weeks to use the excess profits of frozen Russian assets after European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen suggested using the money to purchase military equipment for Ukraine, reports Euractiv, UNN writes.


"After delays and postponements, Ukraine's European allies are rushing to raise financial and industrial resources to provide Ukrainians with the necessary artillery ammunition," the newspaper writes.

It points to an "unexpected move" by European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, who recently suggested that "it is time to start talking about using the windfall profits from frozen Russian assets for joint purchases of military equipment for Ukraine.

"According to people familiar with the discussions, the EU executive could submit a formal proposal within two weeks," the newspaper said.

"We said that the windfall profits would be used to rebuild Ukraine - but first of all, there must be a country to rebuild, so such a step would make absolute sense," the EU diplomat said.

Representatives of the defense and foreign ministries of more than 20 countries are also expected to meet this week in Paris to discuss their support for Ukraine.

Голова Єврокомісії запропонувала направити доходи від заморожених активів рф на закупівлі військового обладнання для України28.02.24, 12:29


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