
EU ambassadors approve extension of preferential trade for Ukraine

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EU ambassadors approve the extension of preferential trade terms for Ukraine for another year without changes.

On Wednesday, February 21, representatives of the European Union approved the extension of special trade conditions for Ukraine for another year without any changes. The proposal has been submitted to the EU Council for consideration. This information is provided by the official press release of the European Commission, UNN reports.


The press release states that the embassy representatives approved the Council's mandate to negotiate the extension of the suspension of import duties and quotas on Ukrainian and Moldovan exports to the EU for another year.

The proposal for autonomous trade measures for Ukraine aims to extend the suspension of import duties and quotas for another year (from June 6, 2024 to June 5, 2025), while strengthening the protection of sensitive agricultural sectors through existing safeguards

the release says.

Addendum Addendum

The proposal is expected to be supported by the European Parliament's Committee on International Trade (INTA) on March 7, 2024. After that, the provisions will be signed by representatives of the Council and the European Parliament and published in the Official Journal of the EU before entering into force.

Україна та ЄС обговорили подальші кроки на шляху євроінтеграції, закріплення вільного режиму торгівлі - Шмигаль07.02.24, 14:37


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