
Enemy attack on Lviv region: there are hits in 3 objects of critical infrastructure

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During an enemy attack on the night of June 1, 6 cruise missiles hit three critical infrastructure facilities in the Lviv region. There is destruction. This was announced by the chairman of the Lviv regional military (state) administration Maxim Kozitsky, reports UNN.

During a prolonged air alert that lasted from 03: 29 to 06: 10, 6 cruise missiles hit three critical infrastructure facilities in the Lviv region. There is destruction. There were no preliminary fatalities or injuries

- Kozitsky wrote in Telegram. 

According to him, anti-aircraft missile units, aviation and mobile Fire groups of the Zapad PMC destroyed 18 missiles and 6 Shahed missiles in their area of responsibility.

Let me remind you that the territory of responsibility of PMC Zapad consists of 8 regions: Volyn, Zakarpattia, Ivano – Frankivsk, Lviv, Rivne, Ternopil, Khmelnytsky and Chernivtsi. During the alarm, The Defenders of the sky destroyed targets over the Lviv region. Life support systems in Lviv region are operating normally

Telrgram reported. 


On the night of June 1, russia attacked power facilities in Zaporizhia, Dnipropetrovsk, Donetsk, Kirovohrad, and Ivano-Frankivsk regions.

It was also notedthat russia attacked two DTEK thermal power plants on the night of June 1.

Уночі ППО збила 35 ракет та 46 дронів01.06.24, 08:10


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