
DIU "Group 13" discloses details of special operations to destroy ships of the Black Sea Fleet

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Reconnaissance men from Ukraine's Group 13 unit have revealed details of their operation, during which they used surface drones to destroy the Russian missile ship Ivanivets in the Black Sea.

Intelligence officers from the Group 13 unit, who are called "hunters of Russian ships," have revealed some details of recent special operations. In particular, the one where they destroyed the Russian missile ship Ivanivets using surface drones. Their video interview appeared on the telegram page of the Main Directorate of Ukrainian Intelligence, UNN reports .

In the last operation, we used 10 drones, six of which hit the Ivanivets.

- said a scout from Group 13.


The Group 13 maritime drone operators have already hit more than half a dozen enemy warships. In addition to the Ivanovets missile ship, they have previously targeted the Sergey Kotov patrol ship, the Admiral Makarov frigate, and others.

In an interview, the GUR officer also confirmed that the destruction of Russian fast landing boats in the Black Sea port last November was also their work.

We also sank two landing boats with armored personnel carriers in Chornomorske.

- a special forces officer suffered.

The guys promise that this is just the beginning for the Russian Navy, because technology is the future.

Від початку повномасштабного вторгнення Україна вивела з ладу третину чорноморського флоту рф - СтратКом 06.02.24, 13:07


On the night of February 1, the Ukrainian military successfully attacked a Russian Black Sea Fleet ship in the Black Sea near occupied Crimea and sank it. On February 1, the GUR published footage showing Ukrainian naval drones striking an Ivanivets-class corvette (41st Missile Boat Brigade) near Lake Donuzlav in occupied Crimea. 

The Ukrainian Navy reportedthat the sinking of the Ivanivets is a significant loss for the black sea Fleet, as the Russian fleet has only three such ships. They also stated that the Ivanivets usually carries 40 personnel.

Знищення ракетного катера "івановец": оператор дрона-камікадзе розповів унікальні деталі операції у Чорному морі06.02.24, 15:20


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