
Contrasts of mobilization: why people complain that the MECs recognize people with illnesses as fit

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A man with numerous serious illnesses and extremely low weight was mistakenly declared fit for military service by a military medical commission in Haysyn despite his poor health. This highlighted the issue of corruption and injustice in the mobilization process.

It is obvious to everyone that the degree of tension in Ukrainian society periodically rises not because of the mobilization itself, but because of certain injustices that periodically accompany it. No one disputes that Ukrainians are defending their homeland from the brutal Russian aggressor, and everyone should be ready to join the ranks of the Ukrainian army at any time. However, it often happens that people responsible for implementing mobilization plans do so with the benefit of their own pockets. This, in particular, is clearly seen in Vinnytsia region, UNN writes .


Just yesterday, the State Bureau of Investigation reported the detention of the son of one of the officials of the Vinnytsia City TCC, who promised to help the fugitive to obtain documents for traveling abroad in exchange for 20 thousand dollars. The man has already been notified of suspicion and even chosen a measure of restraint in the form of detention with an alternative of one million hryvnias bail. The investigation is checking the TCC official himself for involvement in the crime.

This is not an isolated case in Vinnytsia region. For example, in August last year, a serviceman of the Vinnytsia District Military Commissariat was detained for taking bribes to set up a scheme to help evaders: he gave them forms that allegedly confirmed that they had received calls.

At the same time, in August, a group of members of the military medical commission were found in Khmilnyk who were demanding three thousand dollars or more from men for declaring them unfit. Moreover, as law enforcement officers noted at the time, they extorted money even from people who were not really supposed to serve in the army due to illness.

But if the people who sit in the TCC and MCC are actually "breeding" evaders, then the holes in the mobilization plans still need to be closed. And how this is done is perfectly illustrated by the egregious situation that occurred in Haysyn.

According to the local edition of 20 Minutes, a man named Serhiy lives in the Nemyriv community and has a whole bunch of diseases. This is also due to the fact that his work involves toxic chemicals. At 185 centimeters tall, the man weighs no more than 50 kilograms, and he looks very sickly.

But the military medical commission found him fit the first time, and Serhiy was sent to a military unit in Kirovohrad Oblast. However, they were not at all happy with this "recruit" and sent him back.

The man was periodically summoned to the TCC for several months, and once he was sent back to the military unit.

According to journalists, after this "mobilization" the man's health began to deteriorate sharply. Serhiy was hospitalized. But, for some reason, he was not allowed to see his wife. And most importantly, there was no talk of a second military qualification examination.

As UNN has learned , there are many complaints in the Haysyn district that military medical commissions recognize people with serious illnesses as fit. Why does this happen? The answer to this question should probably be given by the competent authorities. But Mr. Serhiy probably knows the answer - according to 20 Minutes journalists, during one of his visits to the MCC, an unknown man approached him and offered to resolve the issue of his being declared unfit for 10 thousand dollars.

A strong human resource is the basis of the combat capability of the Ukrainian army. And the above examples show that officials responsible for personnel for the Armed Forces are not concerned with the defense interests of the state, but with their own selfish goals..

In Zhytomyr region man died after epileptic attack that occurred day after his taking to TCR: recruitment center responded6/5/24, 1:37 PM


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