
China imposes sanctions on US companies over arms sales to Taiwan

 • 38453 переглядiв

China imposes sanctions on six U.S. companies and freezes the assets of their top officials over arms sales to Taiwan.

China has imposed sanctions on six American companies after announcing the sale of weapons to Taiwan, the country's Ministry of Foreign Affairs reported, UNN reports.


The Chinese Foreign Ministry said that the United States was "interfering in China's internal affairs and causing serious damage to its sovereignty and territorial integrity.

Because of this, according to the department, the country "decided to take countermeasures against US military-industrial enterprises and senior officials.

The Chinese assets of six companies, including: Anduril Industries, Maritime Tactical Systems, Pacific Rim Defense, AEVEX Aerospace, LKD Aerospace and Summit Technologies Inc - will be frozen from July 12.

In addition, several top officials of Aerospace Environment and Anduril Corporation also had their assets frozen and were banned from entering the country.

Тайвань спостерігає за китайськими військовими навчаннями поблизу авіаносця "Шаньдун" 11.07.24, 06:17


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