
Budanov on the leak of information about the Ukrainian counteroffensive: "We are taking certain measures"

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Ukrainian intelligence chief Kyrylo Budanov says they are "taking certain measures" after receiving evidence that Russia has learned of Ukraine's plans for a previous counteroffensive.

Ukrainian intelligence had evidence that the Russian Federation had learned about the plans for the previous counteroffensive of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. Now "certain measures are being taken," said Kyrylo Budanov, head of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ukrainian Defense Ministry, in an interview with CBC News, according to UNN


When Budanov was asked about the intelligence leak, the head of the GUR said he was not going to say more than the President. 

"We had, let's say, information, evidence that the plans had become known in the Russian Federation. This is a serious problem, and we are taking certain measures," Budanov said. 


Volodymyr Zelenskyy said that the plan for the preliminary counteroffensive was known to the Russians before its implementation.

"Frankly speaking, our counteroffensive actions last year were on the Kremlin's table even before the counteroffensive actions began," Zelensky said.



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