
British Intelligence explains what consequences the Elimination of the russian Cyclone corvette will have for Ukraine

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After Ukraine's attack on the Cyclone corvette in Sevastopol, russia may have lost one of the few remaining Kalibr cruise missile carriers of the Karakurt project in the Black Sea.

After the Ukrainian attack on the Cyclone corvette , russia may have lost one of the few Kalibr carriers of the Karakurt project that were in the Black Sea. This is stated in an intelligence report released by the British Ministry of Defense , UNN reports.


The department says that on May 19, Ukraine struck the port of occupied Sevastopol and the result was "almost certainly" the sinking of the russian corvette Cyclone of the 22800 Karakurt project.

British intelligence notes that this was one of four russian Kalibr carrier vessels of the Karakurt project that russia has had in the Black Sea since the beginning of the full-scale war.

У росіян закінчилися в Криму носії крилатих ракет "Калібр" - Плетенчук 23.05.24, 10:01

At the same time, two of these vessels were allegedly moved to the Caspian Sea to complete tests after a series of Ukrainian attacks, and another, in addition to the Cyclone, was probably damaged in a Ukrainian strike in November 2023. 

While this is unlikely to significantly change the impact that the russian Black Sea Fleet has on Ukrainian operations, it does highlight the continuing danger to russian forces operating in Crimea and the Black Sea and Ukraine's continued success in launching coordinated strikes

- British intelligence summarized. 


The General Staff, in a report dated May 21, confirmed that the Ukrainian Defense Forces had hit a russian Cyclone missile ship in Sevastopol on the night of May 19


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